mobile mapping

  • 3DCG Generation From Real Image (3D PCCI)


    Create photo-realistic 3D computer graphics from CV Image. The polygon and the texture can be acquired at the same time from the images directly by using our CVTechnology. The polygon and the texture can be acquired at the same time from the images directly by using our CVTechnology and user can obtain three-dimensional coordinates directly from the image by clicking a point on the image. The matching between the polygon and the texture is perfect and the coordinate’s accuracy and the reality of 3D CG are substantially upgraded

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    [tab_item title="Overview"]

    In order to create 3D City Model along with landscape (which may consist of many objects like buildings and terrain), one have to use Iwane application modeling software -3D PCCI. In order to achieve this, we need to capture Omni directional street level imagery first by driving through the street network using our image data acquisition hardware (IMS2/IMS3).

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    After the data acquisition, we have to perform data processing in which image processing is performed and derive camera position & posture in the relative environment using the sequence of imageries. This helps to integrate each 3D Coordinates with different image data. After that we have to digitize the polygons manually  and extract texture automatically to build 3D CG models.

    Due to the restricted field of view of camera sensor , the roof top of the buildings cannot be captured while terrestrial data acquisition . In order to complement this missing portion  , we provide a flexibility to use aerial or satellite images and paste on the roof polygon.

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    [tab_item title="Features"]

    ■ The polygon and the texture can be acquired at the same time from the images directly by using our CV Technology.

    ■ User can obtain three-dimensional coordinates directly from the image by clicking a point on the image.

    ■ The detailed polygon and the textures are generated from all surrounding video image captured not only from street level imagery but also aerial imagery.

    ■ The matching between the polygon and the texture is perfect and the coordinate’s accuracy and the reality of 3D CG are substantially upgraded.

    ■ All the image sequences captured in the video can be developed as 3D CG, and the images which have not been captured in the video can also be developed as 3D CG through the coordinates integration technology with other imageries and the aerial video, which can be treated like the same image sequences.


    [tab_item title="Video"]

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    The 3D Video window of ALV is compatible with ArcGIS and the 3D coordinates of ALV and ArcGIS are linked with each other. In the Geo-Database, user can manage the information with features such as 3D measurement, 3D CG composition, Tagging and so on. Users can register, manage and view their information in the video as a copy of the real world.

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    [tab_item title="Overview"]

    ALV for ArcGIS is a sophisticated MMS software application designed for management and analysis of the spatial data acquired by the Mobile Mapping System (MMS). ALV for ArcGIS is an extension/plug in to ArcGIS/ESRI’s platform, which works as a complimentary technology and enables access to ESRI’s ArcGIS Desktop & ArcGIS Server.

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    Flexible – browse geo spatial video’s only and ready to use.

    Top-down views – 3D geo spatial video’s from Iwane MMS system and high-resolution satellite imagery and road map views from ESRI Maps.

    Ready to go out of the box – ALV for ArcGIS requires no development expertise and is simple to use.

    Comprehensive and customizable - An extensive set of measurement and mapping tools to leverage your geo spatial Video’s.

    Advanced Usage - User can use for advanced GIS and mapping usage based on geo terrestrial imagery.

    Using ALV for ArcGIS, one can capture the real world to its own PC and visualize the 3D space. ALV for ArcGIS provides powerful extensions for ArcGIS Desktop, connecting directly with your geo database allowing you to visualize abstract geospatial data in context as well as populate new data sets.

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    All set of video controls are provided in ALV for ArcGIS so as to perform the video playback and forward. Skip by frame or jump to particular frame is also provided in the interface. Easy registration of geo referenced videos, data management of video’s and navigation are the key elements in ALV for ArcGIS.

    In ALV for ArcGIS, ALV is a 3D docking window in which 3D geo spatial video can be imported with respect to location on map & FOV of the footage and perform functionalities like browsing & navigation of complete 360 degree image, Population of GIS database, Geo tagging, measurement (within & across the frame), import computer graphics and can simulate the road view environment, etc.


    [tab_item title="Features"]

    ■ 360 degree complete spherical image with location;

    ■ Image linked to Map can be raster or vector ;

    ■ Vibration stop / stabilize Image ;

    ■ Time series images can be opened simultaneously and visualize the change;

    ■ Top and down camera is synchronized and can be browsed by one click ;

    ■ GIS Database Development

     □ Population of point, line and polygon and store in GIS format / Geo database;

    ■   Measurement Mode : Auto and Manual

     □  Line and Area Measurement;

     □ 3D Measurement across and within frame;

     □ Unique grid interface for precise measurement;

      - Two points on slope , Horizontal  Vertical GRID ;

    ■   Import computer Graphics;

     □ Pan , rotate and scale Computer Graphics ( CG )  to simulate road view ;

    ■ Geo tagging

     □ Add text , picture , file associated with any feature ;

     □ Transparent GC to define any object and add attributes;

    ■  Unique data Management of Video’s;

     □ Handled all the data by layer’s

     □ Continuous Video play ;

     □ Registration of multiple files in one Go ;

    ■ Vector Map Overlaid in Panoramic Images /Video

     □ Edit , Verify and populate new features ;

     □ Import existing GIS data into Video’s ;


    [tab_item title="Download"]

    Download Iwane Trial Software

    If you are interested in Iwane MMS solution and want to try out the features & functionalities like measurement, geo tagging, population of geo database, import Computer Graphics to simulate road view, then please proceed to download trial based software from the web links below.

    Click Here For Trial Download


    [tab_item title="Video"]

    [spvideo height="281"][/spvideo]



  • Alv For Google Map



    In Active Link Vision (ALV), 3D geospatial video runs inside the docking window of Google Map with each frame linked to geographic coordinates. ALV provides real interaction between 2D and 3D environments; users can do measurement, add computer graphics, tags and store information in a geodatabase.


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    [tab_item title="Overview"]


    ALV is designed to use Iwane geo terrestrial imagery using which one can enjoy all the functionality of ALV without using any commercial GIS software. This Lite version can be used by non professional and can benefit by the unique advanced features.

    ALV (s) is lite version of MMS software and designed to perform every feature except GIS feature. Complete stand alone solution for navigating street level video’s and includes a comprehensive set of tools like geo tagging, measurement, import CG, etc.

    ALV (s) is a "ready to go" desktop application built on top of ALV SDK linked with Google maps for installation on Windows systems. The ALV (s) integrates imagery of Google maps and provides an extensive set of mapping and measurement tools allowing you to unlock the power of Iwane's 3D geo spatial Video/Imagery.

    Working with ALV (s) is easy, simple to install the ALV (s) and browse 3D geo spatial data (MMS content) to utilize the unique features of ALV (s). All set of video controls are provided in ALV so as to perform the video playback and forward. Skip by frame or jump to particular frame is also provided in the interface. Easy registration of geo referenced Video’s, data management of videos and navigation are the key elements in ALV. Many of our user’s use lite version of ALV which helps them to use all functionalities of ALV with comparative less cost. All the functionalities are nearly the same as in ALV for ArcGIS application except the mapping capabilities. Some of the key features are as follows.


    [tab_item title="Features"]

    ■ Flexible – browse geo spatial video’s only and ready to use.

    ■ Top-down views – 3D geo spatial Video’s from Iwane MMS system and high resolution satellite imagery and road map views from Google Maps.

    ■ Ready to go out of the box – ALV (s) requires no development expertise and is simple to use.

    ■ Comprehensive and customizable - an extensive set of measurement and mapping tools to leverage your geo spatial Video’s.

    ■ Cost effective - No need to have other GIS engine / Software’s which reduces the cost of operations drastically.


    [tab_item title="Download]

    Click Here For Trial Download


    [tab_item title="Video"]

    [spvideo height="281"][/spvideo]




  • Demonstration Iwane Mobile Mapping System at JUPEM




          • Location: JUPEM, Jalan Semarak
          • Equipment: IMS2 (Iwane Mobile Mapping System)
          • Date: 20 Disember 2012
          • Time : 9.15 a.m to 4.00 p.m


  • Digital Street Scanner (Ortho Tool)


    Digital Street Scanner is the software to process Ortho images on Road and a series of image on road side from CV Image.The CV (Camera Vector) image of road slope and the buildings are automatically analyzed and the image is plain metrically projected as the road surface image. Further, high resolution ortho image of the road and the continuous image of the street side can be processed. The output ortho image is in GeoTIFF format and it can be uploaded onto GIS software

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    [tab_item title="Overview"]

    Digital Street Scanner -Ortho Tool is software to process ortho images of the road surface and also has a capability of producing series of continuous images along roadside. DSS is proprietary software which import post processed MMS data and produce high resolution ortho photo of road surface automatically.

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    The CV (Camera Vector) image of road slope and the buildings are automatically analyzed and image is plain metrically projected as the road surface image. Further, high resolution ortho image of the road and the continuous image of the street side can be processed. The output ortho image is in GeoTIFF format and can be imported into any GIS software.

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    [tab_item title="Features"]

    ■ Fully automatic extraction of road surface (One-click operation for processing)

    ■ Ortho rectified image processed by analyzing road topography

    ■ High ground surface resolution : 1 cm per pixel approx

    ■ The output is in the format of GeoTIFF which is supported by most of GIS software’s.


    [tab_item title="Videos"]

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    Iwane Mobile Mapping System (IMS) facilitates acquisition of high resolution imagery based spatial data from a moving vehicle. IMS is a flexible and compact unit which enables easy mounting on any type of vehicle which captures High Resolution Geo Referenced Imagery on the move. Every pixel is geo-referenced (X,Y,Z). Besides, a unique Data Acquisition Software allows real time monitoring and control of data acquisition.

    IMS enables user's to manipulate post processed data for key application feature such as 3D measurements inside the video, insertion of 3D CG into the video, population of GIS database due to complete integration of Geo Referenced omni-directional imagery with GIS Database.





    For GIS & Survey Grade Mapping 

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    For GIS Mapping



    For Indoor Mapping 

    uav photo 1 


    For Aerial Mapping






    Plug in for Arc GIS 



    Dissemiate data on web using Arc Gis Server 



    For simple and light use  






    For making geo referenced orthophoto


    3D PCCI 

    For 3D Building Model Development   

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    MAP ON 3D 

    For automatic road marking extraction 





  • Mobile Mapping Products

    Mobile Mapping Products




    Iwane Mobile Mapping System (IMS2) will be equipped with one Omni-directional cameras (to detect the locations of the entire surrounding along with road inventory), GPS for time synchronization (Garmin 18x) and accelerometer to have an understanding of the vertical plane in the Image.

    MMS can calculate the correct relative position and posture of camera by analyzing the sequence of Image by using Camera Vector (CV) Technology. CV technology assigns accurate 3D coordinates to every pixel in each video frame using camera vectors from the camera centre. To calculate the camera vectors, three-dimensional camera positions and attitudes are determined by tracking the movements of multiple points in every frame. Utilizing a full scope of 360° spherical images that include points at a variety of elevations, the camera position and attitude can be accurately computed, maximizing precision of camera vectors.







    IMS3 Mobile Mapping System (MMS) is high-efficient, easy-to-use, end-to-end solution that provides tremendous flexibility in collecting, accessing, displaying, and analyzing 360° geo-referenced spherical imagery. IMS3 is purely an optical MMS based on Iwane Camera Vector (CV) Technology. The mobile mapping system by Iwane does not rely entirely on GPS. It is image based MMS and perfectly suitable to map urban and rural area.  IMS3 system is the only MMS system which can provide a unique geo content using which one can extract meaningful information (3D Map & coordinates), create by-products like 3D computer graphic model, extract road markings, ortho photo of road surface, road markings and other geo digital content for web like unique intelligent 3D street views.

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    Simple, Robust and Flexible

    IMS3 is a very simple and robust MMS system. User can mount all the MMS equipment very quickly on to a shooting vehicle for example less than an hour.  It is also designed in way that users can easily calibrate the distance between two cameras and between top camera and center head of GNSS. In order to work in extreme hot condition, we have designed a metallic cap which protects camera from direct heat and act as insulation. This facilitates the use of IMS3 system even in harsh and hot conditions.

    The concept is to use minimum sensors and can able to extract much more meaningful information from MMS content. The strength of IMS3 lies in post processing and application software’s. IMS3 mount design is so much flexible that it can be mounted on any kind of vehicle like land cruiser, wagon, sedan, pickup truck, and small car and that too in a very less time.

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    Components and Acquisition

    IMS3 consist of two sets of omni-directional cameras (top & bottom) with 6 CCD (2MP×6) of which total resolution is 2,700 X 5,400 Pixel ( Approx. 12 M Pixel /Frame ) at Maximum. It can capture 16 frames per second. IMS3 has also accelerometer for vertical inclination, GPS & antennas for positioning.

    The optimal speed for data acquistion is less than 60km/hr. However, it is also possible to collect data  at the speed of 100km/ hr at maximum. Normally the speed can vary but it does not affect in the accuracy of the MMS datasets.

    Generally one driver and operator can acquire data but it is also poissible for driver alone  to acquire MMS  data because driver can set all the paramters before the start of data acquistion and just click stop at the end of shoot.

    The capacity of stream data in shooting by two cameras is around 20-30 GB/km and user can shoot long distances by just changing the HDD’s.



  • Web Application GIS (Web Alp GIS)


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    [tab_item title="Overview"]

    Web Alp GIS System is an application for disaster management, road maintenance services and others. User can register tags and link the tags to the video. 3D measurement is possible in the 360 Degree Video. Flash based web application with borderless application areas.






Atama Tech Info

Atama Tech Sdn Bhd (629356-T)
Lot 1 , Kompleks Usahawan Teknologi MARA
Jalan Pontian Lama
81300 Johor Bahru, Johor

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