From Real World to CAD!
Since 1999 kubit has been developing field proven software for capturing existing conditions into the AutoCAD environment. Anyone with CAD experience can master kubit software. kubit is hardware independent, giving customers the flexibility to choose any hardware manufacturer of their choice in combination with kubit software. kubit software can be used in different fields of application, such as:
- Archaeology
- Architecture
- Built Heritage
- Construction
- Facility Management
- Interior Outfitting
- Plant Survey
- Police Security
- Surveying
The PointSense Family
The PointSense Family provides several tools for the management and processing of laser scan data within AutoCAD and supports the import of almost all currently available 3D laser scan data formats into AutoCAD.
Common to all programs is the easy and quick management of the huge and bulky point clouds in AutoCAD.
Intuitive tools tailored to the needs of the respective industries enable fast, secure and accurate modeling and analyzing of the 3D laser scan data to CAD drawings, 3D models and plans.
Kubit Virtusurv with Revit Link